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How To Read a Certificate of Trade Insurance

Rhino Trade Insurance 11 January 2024

As a busy tradesman or woman, the last thing on your mind might be the ins and outs of insurance paperwork. However, understanding your Certificate of Insurance is crucial for safeguarding your business and ensuring you have the right coverage when you need it. In this guide, we'll unravel the mystery behind Certificates of Insurance, empowering tradesmen and women across the UK to navigate this essential document with confidence.

The Basics of a Certificate of Insurance For Your Trade Business

To kick things off, let's break down the basics. A certificate of trade insurance is a document that provides evidence of insurance coverage for your trade business. It's not the insurance policy itself but a summary that outlines key details. When you engage in contracts or projects, clients often request a Certificate of Insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage for potential liabilities.

Tradespeople, whether plumbers, electricians, or builders, should be familiar with the standard components of a Certificate of Insurance. These typically include:

  • The Insured Parties Information: Your business name, address, and other identifying details.
  • Your Insurer: Details about the insurance agency providing coverage, including their contact information - which for us would be Rhino Trade Insurance, 0116 243 7904.
  • Policy Number and Type: Clearly stated policy number and the type of insurance coverage that your trade business holds, such as public liability or professional indemnity.
  • Policy Period: The time frame during which the policy is active.
  • Policy Limits: The maximum amount your insurance company will pay for covered losses.

Understanding these basic components sets the stage for a deeper dive into the specifics of your coverage.

Decoding Coverage Types

Tradespeople often deal with various risks and liabilities specific to their industry. Therefore, you should understand the different types of coverage mentioned in your Certificate of Insurance. Let's explore some common ones associated with tradespeople:

Public Liability: 

This important coverage protects against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage arising from your trade business operations. For example, if a customer slips over on a wet floor at your work site, Public Liability Insurance can offer coverage for the injured party’s recovery, plus compensation and legal fees. This is our most fundamental cover at Rhino Trade Insurance, and you can opt to take out protection from £1 million in liability, £2 million or £5 million, depending on the needs of your trade. 

Professional Indemnity: 

Particularly important for trades that provide advice or professional services, this coverage protects against claims of negligence or errors in your work. If a client alleges that your plumbing work caused water damage to their property, Professional Indemnity Insurance can come to your rescue. A policy with Rhino is so simple and can be taken out up to your chosen level of cover - a maximum of £2 million. 

Employer's Liability: 

If you have employees, Employer's Liability Insurance is a legal requirement in the UK - without it, you’ll land in hot water! It covers claims by employees for work-related injuries or illnesses and can be added with ease to your current policy at Rhino. Our insurance offers protection up to £10 million for trade businesses with employees and staff members. 

Tools and Equipment Insurance: 

Given that your tools are essential to your trade, insurance for tools and equipment ensures you can replace or repair essential gear up to the value of £50,000 in case of theft or damage. 

By understanding the types of coverage outlined in your Certificate of Insurance, you can tailor your policies to the specific needs and risks associated with your trade.

What About The Fine Print?

While the policy limits are mentioned in your Certificate of Insurance, take heed. The policy limit is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a covered loss. For example, if your public liability policy has a limit of £1 million, your insurance company will cover costs up to that amount when a claim is made.

It's equally important to be aware of any exclusions in your coverage. Exclusions are scenarios or risks explicitly not covered by the policy. For instance, if your policy excludes coverage for damage caused by faulty workmanship, you'll need to address this gap in your risk management strategy - when it comes to taking out a policy with Rhino Trade Insurance, we pride ourselves on simple explanations and crystal clear coverage. If you have any questions, just ask our trade experts, and they will see you right.

By thoroughly reviewing the policy limits and exclusions in your Certificate of Insurance, you can make informed decisions about your coverage and consider additional policies or endorsements where necessary. Find out more about Rhino Trade Insurance and the policies available to you here

Renewals and Updates

Insurance needs can evolve as your trade business grows and changes. Therefore, it's essential to keep your Certificate of Insurance up to date - not just renew it every year. Regularly review your coverage with our trade insurance experts to make sure it aligns with your current business activities - if changes are needed or you are 'underinsured', we can recommend the best course of action at an affordable price. 

Renewal dates are critical to track. Failing to renew your trade insurance on time will leave you exposed to potential risks. Your Certificate of Insurance will specify the policy period, so mark your calendar and initiate the renewal process well in advance.

Get Covered With Rhino Trade Insurance

In the hustle-bustle world of trades, understanding your Certificate of Insurance is not just a formality; it's a smart move to protect your business and any assets you hold. By breaking down the basics, decoding coverage types and staying on top of renewals, you enable yourself as a tradesperson to have the best coverage and chance of protecting yourself and those around you should something go wrong on-site.

With all that said and done, take charge of your trade insurance today and get the best possible cover available. Our experts are ready and waiting to give you an amazing price in just 60 seconds: 0116 243 7904 or get a quote right here

About The Author Phil McCormick

Experienced in brand marketing and content. Most of that lovely communication you see online will be from Phil. social media, emails, videos, how to make a bacon sarny? You get the gist!

Trade most identified with: Electrician - It’s our Phil’s job to map out all our communications and make sure the signal works! Also, he’s one of the cockiest blighters in the team so electrician fits perfectly!

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