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Rhino Trade Insurance provides tailored electrician's insurance policy packages that will protect your business when the going gets tough. At Rhino, we’re the trade insurance experts. We have something for every sparky, whether you are an electrician, telecommunications engineer or make your living servicing electrical appliances. 

When you choose electrician’s insurance from Rhino, you can be assured that you won’t be sold insurance you don’t need. Our packages include the cover you need and nothing else. We take a no-nonsense approach to trade insurance – because your time is valuable, and you don’t want to be jumping through hoops trying to sort cover. With Rhino, it can be done on your lunch break. Not only this, but you’ll find our prices the most competitive around. We keep our costs low, and we don’t charge direct debit fees for paying monthly either.

worker fitting light

What is electrician’s insurance?

Electrician's insurance is designed to protect you and your business from various risks and liabilities associated with your work.

Insurance ensures that self-employed electricians can work confidently, knowing they are protected from unexpected setbacks. Whether that be an injury to a member of the public or if you accidentally drill through a gas pipe, you are covered!

Keeping your trade business running smoothly, no matter what comes your way, is fundamental, and by providing these insurance options, electricians can focus on what they do best without worrying about the potential financial impacts of accidents or claims.

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  • Protection from major claims
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Rhino’s Take: Over 1,300 electricians trust Rhino with their business insurance. And can you blame them when our Public Liability premiums have remained the same since 2019?

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What does electrician’s insurance cover?

Risks are lurking everywhere in the trades. Fortunately, there are various insurance options available to protect you and your trade business when something goes wrong.

From public liability, tools insurance and professional indemnity insurance, electricians can build a fully tailored policy that ensures you are covered should the unexpected happens.

As an electrician, public liability is your bread and butter policy and protects you from claims of accidental injury or damage to a third party. Adding tools insurance to this is a no-brainer - especially with the worrying rise in tool theft. With professional indemnity insurance, electricians are protected from claims of negligence if a client loses money from your advice or designs - for example, if a wire installation becomes faulty causing damage to a property.

With public liability, you are gaining valuable protection against accidental injury or damage to a third party. With tools insurance, you are protecting your vital tools from the risk of theft or damage and with professional indemnity, you are covered in case you offer advice or design which leads to a claim of negligence from your customer.

For those electricians who are self-employed, it is recommended that you are covered by liability insurance.  This insurance will cover you against injury or damage to property which may have been caused by you whilst carrying out your work.

If tools are stolen it may mean that the electrician is unable to carry out their job, this then could result in no income. Tools in transit insurance is ideal for tradesmen who regularly carry tools in their vehicle, as this insurance covers the cost of repair or replacement if the tools are damaged or stolen.

As a self-employed electrician you may encounter a number of legal risks.  These may be health & safety risks or debt recovery.  With legal expenses insurance in place you can get the defence you need without worrying about the cost. If you are called for Jury Service this insurance will cover your loss of income.

Whilst your business may have done nothing wrong, this does not stop HMRC from enquiring into your tax affairs. Tax enquiry insurance is able to cover accountants’ fees and, if needed, you can also have an expert to defend your case. HMRC have software that enables them to cross-reference various government databases.  This software highlights any income inconsistencies which is often cause by undeclared income. Free tax advice is also included with every TEI policy.

Employers liability insurance for electricians covers legal costs and compensation if an employee gets injured or ill due to their work, ensuring your trade business is protected against such claims.

Professional indemnity insurance for electricians protects against claims of negligence or mistakes in your professional services, covering any legal costs and potential damages.

Contractors' insurance for electricians covers damage or loss to building works, materials, and equipment on-site, ensuring comprehensive protection during construction projects.

Personal accident insurance for electricians provides financial support in case of accidental injury or death at work or in your spare time. It covers you for any lost income by providing a lump sum payment.

Income protection insurance for electricians ensures you are paid a steady monthly income if you cannot work due to illness or injury, helping to cover living expenses during recovery.

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How much does electrician’s cost?

At Rhino Trade Insurance, we offer competitive and affordable insurance solutions made specifically for electricians across the UK. Our policies start at just £6,07 a month and are designed to give you peace of mind so you can focus on your work without worrying about what might go wrong.

Whether you're a solo sparky or running a larger operation, the cost of your insurance can vary depending on the level of cover you need, the size of your business, and the specific risks attached to your line of work. But don’t worry, we've got you covered with flexible options that won't put you in your bank manager's bad books! Get a quick quote today and see how easy protecting your trade business can be.

Rhino’s Take: Did you know that Rhino paid out over £2,500 on average per tools claim in 2023, allowing tradespeople to get back on their feet after suffering a theft? Rhino's tool cover does three things: it keeps you protected, it sets your mind at ease, and, crucially, it's affordable.

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It doesn’t matter how experienced you might be, adverse events can and do happen. And without the relevant insurance, it'd be you or your business that is left footing the bill. Having the right insurance in place isn’t just about ticking a box; it's about protecting your livelihood from the unexpected.

At Rhino, we get that your work is hands-on and comes with its own set of risks. That's why we offer tailored insurance that covers everything from public liability to tool cover and even professional indemnity.

Ask yourself, if you were left unable to work due to an accident, would you be able to make ends meet? If a customer was injured because of your work, could you cover the costs to make things right? If your tools were stolen from your vehicle, would you be able to do your job?

If the answer to the above is ‘no’, then you can see why it’s wise to have tradesman insurance in place. It will give you protection and peace of mind – both priceless in our opinion!

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electrician working

What insurance do I need if I'm an electrical contractor?

Life as an electrician can get pretty full-on, and there are risks lurking everywhere. You may have the qualifications and training that it takes to complete a job safely and to a high standard, but you never know when something will go awry, and you’ll find yourself the subject of a compensation claim.

If you’re an electrical contractor, there are one or two types of electrician insurance that you need. First of all, if you have any employees working for you, you are going to need Employer’s Liability Insurance. This is a legal requirement in the UK if you employ staff, and you will be hit with a big fine if you don’t have it.

Luckily, Rhino’s electrician’s insurance package will include Employer’s Liability Insurance if you are an employer. That’s the great thing about Rhino’s policies – they can be tailored to suit your unique business needs.

The next type of insurance you’ll need as an electrical contractor is Public Liability Insurance. This is a bread-and-butter policy that almost every self-employed person needs, but it’s even more important to get fully covered by Public Liability Insurance if you’re in the hazardous world of the trades.

Income Protection Insurance is another great add-on policy that you can add to your Electrician’s Insurance package with Rhino. If you were injured and found yourself unable to work for a period of time, this insurance would step in and keep your mortgage, bills and essentials covered while you recover.

Other types of insurance an electrical contractor might need include Tools in Transit Insurance – to protect your valuable tools, Legal Expenses Insurance – in case you need to defend yourself legally or make up for lost income during Jury Service, Tax Enquiry Insurance – in case HMRC come calling, and Professional Indemnity Insurance – for when you’ve made a professional blunder that you need to make right.

In reality, the list of insurance types an electrical contractor may need can be long. Trust the experts at Rhino to guide you in choosing a package which suits your needs and budget.

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What does electrician’s public liability insurance typically cover?

Electrician’s public liability insurance will cover the financial costs of a third party bringing legal action against your business. This can be for:

  • Legal costs and compensation for injury, death or property damage caused by you while carrying out your work
  • Claims brought by businesses or individuals – they’re both covered with Rhino

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electricians by van

What insurance do I need if I'm an electrical sub-contractor?

You might think that being a sub-contractor means you can skip the trade insurance, as the one hiring you will sort that out. This is, unfortunately, not the case. It’s advisable for sub-contractors to have their own cover to ensure that they won’t be the ones taking the financial hit if something goes wrong on-site as a result of their work. 

As an electrical sub-contractor, you definitely need your own electrician's Public Liability Insurance policy. You’re going to struggle to find a contractor who will hire you unless you have a policy in place, which means finding work is a challenge for uninsured sub-contractors. 

You might also want to look at some other insurance policies, including Tool in Transit Insurance, Van Insurance and Tax Enquiry Insurance (a big one for sub-contractors who could find themselves needing to prove their status under IR35).

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How much cover do I need?

There is no single answer to this question, as every case is different. 

There are various factors which affect the amount of cover you’ll need to take out as an electrician. Things like the size of your business, the number of employees, the areas you work in and the jobs you carry out all influence the level of indemnity you will need.

It depends on the type of insurance, too. Some insurance types, such as Public Liability Insurance limits, vary from £1M up to £5M due to the high costs associated with some claims. Tools in Transit insurance limits are £7,500 as this is how much it can cost to replace a full set of tools.

When choosing your cover limit, it’s up to you. However, be cautious. Consider the worst case scenario – a serious injury or fatality associated with your work. Nobody likes to think about this happening, but people are seriously harmed or killed by electricity every year in the UK. If your business is found responsible, you could be looking at being liable for millions.

No idea how much cover you need? Don’t worry, Rhino Trade Insurance have a handy quote generator which will guide you with a suggested cover limit. Alternatively, our expert staff are on hand 6 days a week to talk you through it all.

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Is insurance tax deductible?

Yes. Business insurance is considered an ‘allowable expense’ as you’re buying it to cover yourself while you work. It's always a good idea to run all queries and questions like this past your accountant, but you can be secure in the knowledge that you can legitimately claim back the entire cost of the policy, including the insurance premium tax.

Factors that Affect Electrician Insurance Premiums

Rhino offer the best low-cost insurance around. But how much you’ll pay for your electrician’s cover will depend on a number of factors. These are some of the main things that affect your premiums:

  • The size of your business – annual turnover and number of employees. The larger your operations, the higher your premiums are likely to be.
  • The level of cover you want. Higher indemnity limits mean higher premiums.
  • Your location – some areas are riskier.
  • The type of work carried out. Generally, more dangerous jobs mean more to pay in premiums. 
  • Your claims history – the fewer claims made, the lower your premiums
  • The type of work you’re doing – the more risk, the higher the premiums

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What else should I consider when taking out tradesman insurance for electricians?

It might be temping to go for the lowest levels of cover to save a few quid month-to-month. We understand, especially when times are tough. But consider how common workplace accidents, third-party injuries, customer disputes, tool theft and property damage are in the trades. It’s really not worth skimping on cover, as you’ll find yourself having to pay huge out-of-pocket expenses should something happen.

Further, your reputation will suffer if something happens and you don’t have enough insurance to put it right. If you’re serious about growing your business and attracting new customers, it pays to have plenty of cover.

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