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Nailing Your Trade Insurance with Rhino Trade Insurance

Rhino Trade Insurance 22 April 2024

Whether you're a seasoned tradesman or just starting out, you know that being on the job is more than just hammering nails and fixing problems. It's about securing your future and protecting your livelihood. And what better way to do that than with the right trade insurance?

But wait, before you jump in, we're here to shine a light on the common mistakes many of our fellow tradespeople make when choosing cover. Because, let's face it, not all insurance policies are created equal. Get ready for some insights, a few laughs, and a lot of valuable info to ensure you're not left high and dry when the unexpected happens.

Going for the Cheapest Option

Picture this: you're at your local building supplies shop, eyeing two seemingly identical hammers. One costs £5, and the other £25. Which one do you go for? The cheap one, right? Not so fast! When it comes to trade insurance, going for the cheapest option might leave you with a tool that can't handle the heavy lifting of your profession!

Many tradespeople make the mistake of choosing insurance based solely on price. Sure, saving money is great (especially in this economic climate), but not if it means sacrificing crucial coverage. Rhino Trade Insurance understands the balance between affordability and comprehensive protection, and that's why we offer tailored policies, ensuring you get the right coverage without breaking the bank! We wrote a full blog all about being underinsured

Ignoring the Small Print

We get it - not everyone has time to read the small print. It's about as entertaining as watching paint dry. But trust us, skipping over the details of your trade insurance policy can lead to nasty surprises down the line. Imagine thinking you're covered for a specific scenario, only to find out you're not.

With Rhino Trade Insurance, we take the confusion out of the jargon and fine print. Our lovely team of experts (based in Leicester) breaks down the nitty-gritty details in plain English, ensuring you know exactly what you're getting. No hidden surprises, just straightforward and transparent coverage that works as hard as you do!

Neglecting Your Liability Coverage

You might be smashing it - the Lionel Messi of your trade, but accidents happen. Whether it's a tool going for a walkabout, an unintentional paint spill or major property damage. The last thing you want and need is to be held personally responsible for damages on a work project. Yet, many tradespeople overlook liability coverage, leaving themselves exposed to potential financial ruin.

At Rhino Trade Insurance, we work hard to get an idea of each trade's unique situation - this allows us to understand the importance of protecting your assets and reputation. With our varying degrees of liability coverage (from public liability to employers' liability), we have designed a shield for you from the unexpected, giving you peace of mind on every job. Accidents may happen, but with Rhino by your side, you're covered.

Underestimating Your Tool and Equipment Coverage

As a tradesperson, your tools are literally your everything, and without them, you're just a tradesperson with years of skills on a job that will now take infinitely longer to complete. Unfortunately, without the right insurance policy in place, your business could fall short when it comes to stolen tools and equipment that power your business - putting a dent in your overall success.

A common confusion among trade businesses is assuming their tools are covered with the general liability cover. This is incorrect, and you need to add specialist tool insurance to your trade policy. A quality trade insurer like Rhino Trade Insurance knows the value of your tools and equipment, and that's why our policies include robust coverage to ensure you can keep building, fixing, and creating without missing a beat due to theft or damage. From power drills to precision instruments, Rhino's got you covered up to the value of £7,500.

Not Updating Coverage as Your Business Grows

Let's imagine you started life as a one-person show, but now your business is booming with a team of skilled trade professionals. Congratulations! But don't make the mistake of sticking with the same trade insurance policy you had when it was just you and your trusty toolbox. As your business evolves, so should your coverage!

Opting for a policy allows Rhino Trade Insurance to grow with you. We have flexible policies that adapt to the changing needs of your trade business, ensuring you're always adequately covered. Whether you're a solo act or leading a crew of electricians, Rhino has the right insurance solution to support your journey to success.

Settling for One-Size-Fits-All Policies

No two trades are exactly alike. It may be stating the obvious, but a plumber having an issue on a job can be majorly different from that of a fencing contractor. So why settle for a one-size-fits-all trade insurance policy? Unfortunately, some insurance providers out there offer generic coverage that may leave you with gaps or excesses that don't match the unique needs of your business.

From day one, Rhino Trade Insurance has been all about customisation. When taking out a trade insurance policy, we tailor everything in it to fit your specific trade, whether you're a carpenter, electrician, plumber, or any other skilled professional. With Rhino, you get the coverage that suits you like a perfectly sized suit - snug, comfortable and just right!

How Rhino Trade Insurance Can Save the Day

Now that we've covered the common issues of taking out protection let's talk about how Rhino Trade Insurance can be your knight in shining armour, protecting you from inadequate coverage. Here are some key features that set Rhino apart:

  • Tailored Policies: Rhino understands that no two trades are alike. That's why we spend time crafting policies that are customised to fit the unique needs of your trade business, ensuring you get the coverage you need without paying for unnecessary extras.
  • Transparent Communication: Forget about deciphering complicated insurance jargon. Rhino Trade Insurance believes in clear, honest communication. Our team of trade insurance experts breaks down the details in a way that makes sense, empowering you to make informed decisions about your coverage.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From liability protection to coverage for your tools and protecting your income, Rhino's policies are designed to be comprehensive. You won't have to worry about gaps in coverage, giving you the confidence to tackle any project that comes your way.
  • Flexibility for Growth: As your business grows and evolves, so do your insurance needs. Rhino Trade Insurance offers flexible policies that can be adjusted to accommodate changes in your business, ensuring you're always adequately covered!
  • Affordability Without Sacrifice: Rhino understands the importance of affordability, but we also know that cutting corners on coverage is not the solution. With Rhino, you can enjoy competitive prices without compromising on the quality and breadth of your trade insurance protection.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Rhino Trade Insurance puts our customers front and centre (where you belong). With a five-star rating, our customer service team is dedicated to providing support and assistance, whether you have questions about your policy or need to make a claim. With Rhino, you're not just a policyholder - you're part of our community!

Nail Your Cover Today With Rhino

Choosing the right trade insurance is a crucial step in securing your business and protecting your hard-earned success. By avoiding common mistakes and opting for Rhino Trade Insurance, you can ensure that your coverage is as robust and reliable as your craftsmanship. So, keep calm and work with confidence, knowing that Rhino has your back, tools, income and much more covered! Call us for all the information you need today - 0116 243 7904. 

About The Author Phil McCormick

Experienced in brand marketing and content. Most of that lovely communication you see online will be from Phil. social media, emails, videos, how to make a bacon sarny? You get the gist!

Trade most identified with: Electrician - It’s our Phil’s job to map out all our communications and make sure the signal works! Also, he’s one of the cockiest blighters in the team so electrician fits perfectly!

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From the danger of working at height to the possibility of structural damage, fascia installers face challenges every day. But don't let these risks deter you – with the right processes and proper insurance, you don’t need to worry. 

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